Diarra Pont

Diarra Pont
Diarra Pont: My village in southeastern Senegal, 75km west of Kedougou.
"Life in the Peace Corps will not be easy. There will be no salary and allowances will be at a level sufficient only to maintain health and meet basic needs. Men and women will be expected to work and live alongside the nationals of the country in which they are stationed—doing the same work, eating the same food, talking the same language.

But if the life will not be easy, it will be rich and satisfying. For every young American who participates in the Peace Corps—who works in a foreign land—will know that he or she is sharing in the great common task of bringing to man that decent way of life which is the foundation of freedom and a condition of peace."

-John F. Kennedy

Friday, March 30, 2012

World Map Murals

In an effort to coordinate a group project within our Salemata work zone, we thought it would be a good idea to paint world maps at schools in our corresponding villages (myself in Diara Pont, Jubal in Kekeressi, Tatiana in Etchilo, and LaRocha and Jessica in Salemata).

Getting the materials and organizing dates, I decided to do the mural in DP first due to travel plans and meetings in April. The first day, Jessica and Jubal came to help draw the grid, and pencil in the outline of the map. There was a minor potential crisis when Jessica arrived in the morning with dye but no map, whereas I had paint, paintbrushes, and mixing containers. Fortunately, I had a world map on my wall with latitude and longitude gridding, so we decided to use that in order to have a basis to copy from. Crisis averted. The school teacher helped do the grid layout on the wall. Since we were not working from the best grid system, copying was surprisingly exhausting (not to mention getting into eastern Europe...)! Also, we realized that I initially made an error in measurement that resulted in six less inches desired in height... However, with it all said and done, the world is a little skinny, but only really noticeable to us. Finishing the outline, we started painting the ocean so it would be dry by the following day when we would be painting to countries.

The following day after class was done in the morning, we had the afternoon to paint. Jessica did not come, although Tatiana came down to help finish up. Working until dark, we were able to finish, including a border and all! Each day we had a flow of visitors to see what we were up to and how it was coming along. It turned out great! Below is a picture before we were completely finished, but I think one can get the idea.

A nearly finished map! With help from Jubal, Tatiana, and Jessica (not pictured) and moral support by onlookers. One down, three to go! When I was in Etchilo making a tree nursery, I spent an afternoon with Tatiana starting the grid for her map. She was able to get the proper print out so hopefully when it comes to drawing, things will go more easily! The Salemata map will happen likely in mid-late April once LaRocha gets back from America, and hopefully Kekeressi the last weekend in April.

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